Magtumguly Pyragy’s Fount of Mind

The Turkmen people have an ancient national heritage and literature. The work of Magtymguly Pyragy, a prominent representative of our classical literature, inspires the human soul. Our grandfather Magtymguly was a poet who lived in the 18th century, who made a great contribution to the improvement of Turkmen classical literature, and did a great work in the development the Turkmen literary language. The works of the great poet Pyragy is truly an ocean. Our grandfather Magtymguly left in his memory words, advice and instructions, the value of which cannot be measured by anything. To this day, many scientific views on the poet’s literary heritage have been expressed and books published. The works of Magtymguly Pyragy is a big ocean. Magtymguly shows the greatness the Turkmen with his greatness.

The poem “Magtumguly Pyragy’s Fount of Mind”, written by our Hero Arkadag for the 300th anniversary of our national poet Magtymguly Pyragy, was a gift to our Turkmen people, first of all, to our national literature. Lines “At the foothills of the Kopetdag stood today at full height, His Highness Magtymguly Pyragy” are clear evidence that our Hero Arkadag respects the literary heritage of Magtymguly Pyragy. In his poem, our Hero Arkadag, addressing our grandfather Magtymguly “His Highness,” once again shows the greatness of the poet, honoring him as the ruler of all hearts and the world of poetry. Every word and line of the new poem “Magtumguly Pyragy’s Fount of Mind” has a very deep meaning.

Magtymguly shows the greatness the Turkmen with his greatness. Pyragy is a poet who served the people. His works entered the golden treasury of not only the Turkmen people, but also the culture of the whole world.

Celebrating the 300th anniversary of the birth of our great thinker Magtymguly Pyragy at such a high level is closely related to the fact that our Hero Arkadag highly values the work of the great thinker. The great love of our people for Magtymguly Pyragy originates in the great soul and deep work of our Hero Arkadag and Hero Arkadagly Serdar. Under the leadership of our Hero Arkadag and Arkadagly Serdar, a lot of work is being done to study the life and work of the great poet. Highly appreciating that Magtymguly Pyragy is a master of artistic expression, our Hero Arkadag says: “Magtymguly Pyragy is a great thinker and poet, whose name has reigned in the world of poetry with the power of the word.”

We sincerely wish Hero Arkadag and Arkadagly Serdar, who surrounded the literary heritage of the Turkmen people with great attention and care, opened a wide path for the ideas of Turkmen scientists about Magtymguly, sound health, long life and success in all their undertakings for sake of Turkmen state, people and humanity.